Winter is your Tesla ready...are you?

Snowy Winter Road

Winter is coming.  In some parts of the country it’s already arrived. Fortunately, our Teslas don’t use engine coolant so they don’t require antifreeze but what are the things that we should do to “winterize” our Model 3s? Here are some suggestions and a couple of links to other sources about getting ready for the cold winter months ahead.

  • Check wiper fluid to insure it contains an anti-freeze (non-freezing) element. (Most do.)
  • If you park outside SET wipers to SERVICE MODE (Controls -> Service -> Wiper Service Mode -> ON). This will make it easier to manually remove snow and ice from them AND it will allow them to THAW when you turn on the windshield defroster before you head out.
  • PRECONDITION your car for about an hour before time to leave. You can activate this command from your mobile app without ever leaving the warmth of your house/office. In the Tesla App, TAP “Climate”, then TAP “TURN ON.” Also TAP the windshield defroster icon next to it. Why an hour? The cabin will heat up quickly but what you really want is to warm up the battery since this will improve driving efficiency and regenerative braking. Do this while plugged in, if possible to minimize the drain on your battery. You can even schedule this to occur automatically (Charging -> Scheduled Departure -> Schedule -> Depart At).
  • Walk around the car before getting in and clear any ice and snow you see from the front bumper and/or license plate so it doesn’t impair the sonar. Also check for snow and ice blocking cameras and ultrasonic sensors. (see the diagram in the Autopilot section of the owner’s manual for location of sensors and cameras).
  • Defog/Defrost button:
    The defroster/defogger button on the Model 3 actually has THREE settings. Who knew? Even we didn’t until this started showing up all over the forums and we checked the Owner’s Manual (So you don’t have to . . . you’re welcome!) Tap it once to turn on the windshield defogger. The icon will be BLUE in this mode and will blow cold, dry air on the windshield. Tap it again to engage the windshield defroster. In this mode the icon will appear RED and blow warm air on the windshield. An hour (or less) of this should melt the ice on your windshield and free your wipers from their icy bonds. But once you get in, start driving and, you know start singing along to Caroake or something, the windshield is going to fog up. That’s when you want to switch to the BLUE (defogger) mode! To stay toasty, you can turn the temp up a bit on the climate control and/or set seat warmers (my wife calls them bacon strips cuz the icon looks like that) to your comfort level. BTW, the seat heaters are the most efficient way to warm yourself (and the cabin) as they run off the 12 volt battery and don’t directly impact your range.
  • Side windows are supposed to roll down an inch or so when the door is opened. This can be a problem in freezing weather, if there is ice built up on the windows. Tesla now offers an Anti-ice Window Treatment at the service centers. There is a fee for this but it may be worth it if you deal with this issue often.
  • CHAINS: If your drive requires chains (poor bastard! jk) they can be purchased from Tesla (they’re actually cables). IMPORTANT: Even if you have all wheel drive (AWD), chains go on the rear wheels ONLY. Also aero wheel covers MUST be removed while using chains. Lastly, keep your speed to 30 MPH or slower while driving with chains. No one said it would be easy…safe, yes. But 30 mph is never easy in a Model 3, right?

For more winter driving tips check out what Tesla has to say:

And here’s a little more info from the folks at NAPA about how and why to use the windshield defogger in any car:

Check out MORE Tesla Model 3 Tips and Tricks in:

Telsa Model 3 User's Guide